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Revolutionary King
12 Jul 2022 11:25 pm
Vegas » 12 Jul 2022, 11:50 am » wrote: The APA , and other professional organizations, have concluded that gender and biology (or the sex) are different concepts. 

Ok, true. But different concepts do not negate connections. Concepts is something that we use to define and categorize nature to make sense of things. However, biology is a science that is fixed. It is possible to separate the concepts of sex and gender. However, it is impossible to disconnect the two. Gender is tied to sex. 

For instance, we cannot call a fetus a person. That's why I always use the term human life, instead of person. Personhood is a definition we give to an individual. Therefore, it is possible to separate the concepts of person with fetus. However, can you disconnect person while neglecting the term human life? No. It's impossible. You can have human life while neglecting he term person, but you cannot use personhood while neglecting the term human life. 

It is the same with sex and gender. Just as person is tied with human life, gender is tied with sex. It's possible to have two different concepts that are still tied together. 

@Blackvegetable  that's how it's done. You see how I used thoughts of my own. I didn't copy/paste Google, then turn around and ask 600 questions to everyone else like a coward. Coward.  Now die.
Your obsession with gender & fetuses is scaring me, should the forum members be worried? 
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